Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Paper Craft Tutor Can Help You

The Paper Craft Tutor Can Help YouOne of the questions that come up after you have made a breakthrough in any craft is: How does the paper craft tutor help me? I can think of many reasons why this is so.The first reason is to assist you to set yourself up for success in your craft. Many times, folks feel like they are doing something they do not enjoy, and they do not enjoy it because they are bored with it. Helping you see how much you actually love the craft helps you to jump back into it once you have enjoyed it. It also helps you to enjoy it more.The second reason is to help you take care of your craft. Paper crafts are time consuming. It takes patience, diligence, focus, and an excellent level of concentration to bring a project to a successful end.Another reason is to give you something else to do with your free time. When you are sitting at your computer all day long, why not spend some time playing with the kids or with friends? Or, perhaps you like the peace and quiet of rea ding a book or magazine. If you can find a way to get out of your office and take advantage of the quality time that you have when you are not working, you will find that you will be more productive, which leads to more money and more joy.The third reason is to introduce you to a world of people. Paper craft is a wonderful hobby, and you will meet many people who love the craft and want to share with you what they have done. You may have a friend or family member who can teach you what you need to know.There are many other reasons that paper craft tutors can be of assistance, but these are three that I think of often. In any case, your mentor is there to guide you in the right direction, and you can gain a great deal from his or her guidance.So, now that you know what the paper craft tutor can do for you, consider the following: Should you hire a tutor? That depends upon what you want and what you expect.If you simply want someone to listen to you and tell you what to do, then a tut or is not necessary. However, if you are passionate about this and you would like to pursue it further, you may want to consider hiring a tutor. You can then get to know your tutor better, and if you think you would benefit from a more thorough and comprehensive approach, you might want to consider a paid one. Either way, do not be afraid to talk to a tutor yourself, and see if he or she agrees to work with you.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Teach English to Foreign Students - How to Help Them Overcome Language Barriers

Teach English to Foreign Students - How to Help Them Overcome Language BarriersTeaching English to foreign students is not an easy task for a tutor as it is for English teachers. Foreign students have different cultural backgrounds and hence their comprehension levels are higher than most other kinds of students. But this does not mean that it is impossible to teach English to these students.For this, the tutor has to know reading habits of the student as well as his reading style and how it is influenced by various environmental factors. Reading should be an integral part of the curriculum for a tutoring institution. The main task is to take the student to the next level of reading and help him go beyond. Readability should be the first criteria in all tutoring cases.Reading comprehension is the most important thing. A good student should know what he has read. Remember that in every reading lesson, the same story should be read with different syntax so that the child has to read it more than once to get a better understanding of the text.Moreover, the lesson has to be divided into small portions and then one-on-one with the student. Reading one paragraph without being the student will not help the student comprehend the entire story.In a class, the teacher can always tell the students the basic questions so that the students are ready for each question. The homework should be on a set plan and the tutor should help the student understand the method to use to solve the problems.A successful foreign student should have a proper knowledge of grammar and should be able to follow a pattern or the rules as provided by the teacher. He should also have a command over the English language so that he can read English text using correct grammar and syntax.Other factors such as homework, English essay, English reading, vocabulary, and syntax should also be discussed with the student. The tutor should be able to build an understanding between the student and the tutor as the latter helps the student make sense of the text and the former is in-charge of making the student understand the topic. With proper tutoring, the foreign student can become an excellent English speaker.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Definitions of Dissolution in Chemistry

Definitions of Dissolution in ChemistryDefining the processes and substances used in the chemical analysis of living bodies is quite a tricky task. Many different people try to define this and that one but it is actually difficult to find out the correct definition for chemical analysis.Defining the process of chemical analysis is not very easy especially in the field of chemistry. This is because all the processes of an analysis are different from each other. The following methods are those used in the analysis of each substance.Solute Gas Analysis: This is a very basic and common method used in the analysis of the substance. It is considered as a good alternative in the analysis of the substance because the ingredients present in the substance can be found without any difficulty. However, this method is not perfect in the sense that it cannot detect the presence of volatile substances and organic substances.Acid Analysis: This method is also known as a solid-liquid extract method o r simply as liquid analysis. In this method, solids like the dried substance are separated from the liquids by passing a strong electric current through them.Ion Exchange Analysis: This method uses the conductivity of a substance as an indicator. The use of chemicals will be considered if the substances are in contact with each other in the course of the analysis.Solution Separation Analysis: In this method, a substance is collected at the centre of a cylindrical vial, which is left in a controlled environment. After several days, the substance in the vial is subjected to a series of different tests to evaluate its chemical composition and physical properties.It is better to avoid the use of the solute gas analysis as it is more prone to contamination by the microorganisms present in the air. This method is considered as the most common and accurate method to analyze the chemical composition of the substance present in the body.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Expected Value Statistics - Online Math Tutoring

Expected Value Statistics - Online Math Tutoring Definition: - The expected value of a discrete random variable x is the value that is expected to occur per repetition, on average, if an experiment is repeated a large number of times. It is denoted by E(x) and calculated as E(x)= x P(x) The expected value is also known as mean and is denoted by ; that is = x P(x) Example:- Below the probability distribution table where x represents the number of breakdowns for a machine during a given week, and P(x) is the probability of the corresponding value of x x P(x) 0 0.15 1 0.20 2 0.35 3 0.30 To find the expected value of breakdowns per week for this machine, we multiply each value of x by its probability and these products. This sum gives the mean of the probability distribution of x. The products x P(x) are listed in the third column of the below table. The sum of these products give x P(x) which is the expected value of x. Calculating the expected value for the probability distribution of breakdowns. X P(x) x P(x) 0 0.15 0*0.15= 0 1 0.20 1*0.20= 0.20 2 0.35 2*0.35= 0.70 3 0.30 3*0.30= 0.90 x P(x)=1.80 The expected value is E(x)= 1.80

I Like Feeling Important in what I Do- Now What - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / I Like Feeling Important in what I Do- Now What - Introvert Whisperer I Like Feeling Important in what I Do- Now What? I hate to admit this, but I like feeling important in my job.  How can I feel that way if I retire or change jobs? We really don’t like admit that we have an ego to feed: a lot of us have one. We keep it undercover most of the time because it can be kind of an ugly thing that no one, including ourselves, likes to see.  A number of us who have been in the workforce for a while have developed expertise and deep knowledge that people seek us out for.  Sometimes this is an informal situation but real all the same. In other work, settings can even be part of a job title.  Whichever it is, it is a source of power and deep personal gratification.  It isn’t something that you are awarded simply by passing tests or being licensed.  You have earned this because of the person you are.  You dig into details, you learn how things work, and you ask questions.  You do what other people don’t. It’s okay to admit that this situation has provided you with great satisfaction.  It’s also good to acknowledge that this same level of admiration most likely won’t be repeated if you change jobs or quit altogether.  It’s a hard thing to deliberately walk away from and can be a big part of your anxiety in making a change in your life.  This is when you must make “values-based decisions” about what’s important in your life.   This calls for a writing exercise.   You need to write down what you like, what you dislike and what’s missing about your current job.  If you really are on the brink of a life change, self-examination is always called for.  The exercise is also not a 5-minute meal.  You will set down and write these things out, think about them, walk away from them, and pick them up a few more times before you have really captured what’s important and what’s MOST important in your life.  You have to ask yourself the tough questions or have someone ask them of you.   Questions like:  What is important in your life going forward? Let’s also examine this term “values-based decisions”.  A value is something you personally value in yourself, your life, and probably people you like and respect.  One example of a value is honesty.  I personally can’t function or interact with someone I don’t trust.  We all have a lengthy list of values.  Sometimes we don’t even realize what all of our values are, yet they are the basis for much of our behavior.  It is also important to understand that in this lengthy list of values we possess,  some can be in conflict with each other.  I know it seems incongruous but it is true.  You can value being in nature and city life at the same time.  You can value being sought after and even admired for your deep knowledge and background in your field and yet not want to do it anymore.  When you make a “values-based decision” such as this it will be hard work.  It will require thought, examination, and consideration for what is important in your life.  It is al so possible that what is important to you today will change next week or next year.  If you go through this exercise and decide to stay where you just know that there will come a day when the list starts shifting.  It’s a natural process that goes on in our life.  If you decide to move forward and leave the job you have today, you also have to face the fact that this important aspect of your life will be something that you will miss and maybe even grieve for a while.  But, as a member of the human race, you will adjust and your life going forward will be great. Personal Branding starts with how well you speak about YOU.   I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook â€" The Definitive Guide to Creating and Using an Elevator Speech.   In this guide, I give you simple to follow instructions for creating a “wardrobe” of ways to talk about you â€" to leave a lasting impression.   Get your copy now: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits

Multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits Multiplication of two numbers is like adding one them as many times as the other number. Multiplication is denoted by a cross sign . In multiplication the order of the numbers doesnt change the answer. So multiplication of two numbers is commutative and associative. Multiplication is one of the basic and important arithmetic operation used in different branches of mathematics. Example 1: There are 23 chocolates in a box. There are 12 such boxes, how many total number of chocolates are there in the boxes? Solution: Number of chocolates in each box = 23. Number of boxes = 12. Total number of chocolates = 23 x 12. Here for the multiplication 23 is multiplied to the ones place of 12; 23 x 2 = 46. Now the 23 is multiplied to the tens place of 12; 23 x 1 = 23. Now add the two number by placing a 0 next to number of the tenss place. This gives 46 + 230 = 276. Total number of chocolates = 276. Question: Multiple choice question (Pick the correct option.) What is the answer when 33 is multiplied with 11? a) 33 b) 30 c) 44 d) None of these. Correct answer: option a. Explanation: Here given for the multiplication 33 x 11 =? Multiply 33 to the ones place of 11; 33 x 1 = 33. Multiply 33 to the tens place of 11; 33 x 1 = 33. Now add the two number by placing a 0 next to number of the tens place. Hence 33 x 11 = 363.

The Distance Formula

The Distance Formula Distance formula is the formula used to measure the distance between any two points on a coordinate plane. On the coordinate plane, points are plotted using the X axis and the Y-axis and the distance formula is very useful in finding the distance between any two points on the plane. Let any two points on the coordinate plane be (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), then the distance between these points is given as: d = [(x2 x1)2 + (y2 y1)2]. Example 1: What is the distance between the points A(1, 2) and B(1, 5)? The distance formula is: d = [(x2 x1)2 + (y2 y1)2] Here given point A= (x1, y1)= (1, 2) and point B= (x2, y2)= (1, 5) In order to find the distance between points A and B, we use the distance formula. Distance, AB= [(1 1)2+ (5 2)2] = [(0 + (3)2] Now we get, distance AB= 9= 3 Therefore the distance between points A and B is 3 units. Example 2: What is the distance between the points P(2, 3) and Q(5, 4)? The distance formula is: d = [(x2 x1)2 + (y2 y1)2] Here given point P= (x1, y1)= (2, 3) and point Q= (x2, y2)= (5, 4) In order to find the distance between points P and Q, we use the distance formula. Distance, PQ= [(5 2)2+ (4 3)2] = [(3)2 + (1)2] Now we get, distance PQ= (9+ 1)= 10. Therefore the distance between points P and Q is 10 units.